COVID-19 and Hands-on Training
ECP had it's first run at providing hands-on training with FutureBuild in Pittsburg, California with an emphasis on social distancing. FutureBuild did a great job preparing the training site to accommodate social distancing. This included thermometer checks (both staff and students) prior to entry into the training site, distance-compliant seating with benches as seen in the photo. Here are some of the takeaways for organizations that are interested in opening up their training during the pandemic: 1. Training needs to start with awareness. Odds are that there will be a few students that have not paid attention to how the pandemic has developed since the first case. Training should start off with the host site giving their students a class on COVID-19 and the proper way to social distance. 2. Establishing a shared commitment to keeping the class safe. In some instances, there are students that do not believe that the pandemic ...