Pay Attention To Your Industry
When I was in telecommunications, there was nothing more fascinating than being part of cutting edge technology. Part of the enjoyment while in the industry is being able to watch your industry to not only evolve, but to also be a major influence in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. But that psychological theory was never a prominent thought in my own mind as I watched the progression of technology in the wireless industry slowly choke out the workforce that supported it. While working in a switching office between late '98 and early 2000, I recall the size of the switch rooms and the many rows of equipment required to provide communications to mobile subscribers. Jump ahead 10 years and you'll find that technology has either eliminated that switching office or reduced the equipment down to a single box. Less equipment, less headcount. I recently sat down with a very good friend of mine who was with me in the industry from the beginning of our careers in telecommu...