Job Seekers - Reflect Now
Many of you may have already been pressured with the challenge to keep networking throughout the holidays, especially when you’re at family gatherings or holiday events. Although this is definitely the tried-and-true approach to achieve success in your pursuit for a fulfilling career, I believe that there additional ways to channel your focus.
The traditional preaching indicates that we continue to create accountability by delivering to the audience the dynamics of our goals at every opportunity. However, if you're not reflecting on the methods that you have used during the year, you could be using that same incorrectly packaged delivery used during the last holiday gathering. Odds are that you'll be back with the same family, who by all expectations should already be aware of your agenda.
So take advantage of the opportunity to reflect on the following:
- What family member do you believe has a bigger net to cast in the networking world? Can you spend more energy on connecting with this person, providing more details of your qualifications? Maybe even train them to give your elevator speech when they meet a person of interest? I'm not saying to avoid sharing your plans with the entire family, but it is time to apply focus in these situations, just as you are now with your career path.
- How many family gatherings have you been to during your pursuit? Do you give the in-laws the same level of excitement when describing your progress? Or do you just tell them that you're doing well?
Think about your study habits you applied in preparation for your last exam. Cramming the night before rarely pans out compared to allocating a few days of dedicated study. So I prefer to look at New Years Day as the day of the exam. The same theory applies here. It's better to begin the assessment of your strategies now, rather than the night before the first work day of the New Year. That night should be set aside for rest and focus.
Plenty of people in your circle of family and friends will remind you of all the things to be thankful for. So don't waste your energy looking for handouts.
I'm just telling you to focus your energy and take the time to reflect on both your success and your failures now. Use them to refine your plan.
January 3rd, 2011 is game time.
Reflect now.
[...] wanted to remind everyone that now is the time to start preparing yourself for 2013 and recall the approach that I gave regarding the preparation for the new year. Remember, while everyone is focused on [...]