How Smart is the Smart Energy Industry

What I love the most about any given topic is the idea that there are two sides of the coin.  Those of you who know me well can always expect me to present another perspective on a topic, no matter how obvious (or logical) something may be and even if I agree with your position.

Today, I ran across a post from that describes Verizon's "Connected Home" and how it will be leading the company into the realm of smart energy management in 2011.  In essence, Connected Home will allow users to do all the things the Jetsons did in their home, such as controlling appliances and environmental elements like thermostats and lights remotely through a phone app.  I've done several interviews here in Sacramento that supports the important role that telecommunication companies, both cable and wireless, will play in energy efficiency.  Please keep them on your list of targets if you want to expand your search for internships.

Let me continue with the other side of the coin.

In a previous article, talks about the saturation of technology in the industry of home energy management and that we should understand that the market that these products are intended to serve has yet to fully embrace the option.  My interpretation of this is that its a race to get the technology out there, but with all the companies that are out there pushing the idea of a smart home, the industry has left the customer behind, unable to convince the home owner their privacy is secure.  That's on top of encouraging the customer to not only embrace environmental awareness, but also act on it.  A challenge bigger than this article.

Name an industry that has the most up-to-date status of when a person is at home or not.  Home security monitoring companies such as ADT know every step you take in and out of the house.  Yet somehow, home security companies have managed to convince people this type of monitoring is necessary for the sake of safety.  Perhaps if smart energy companies take a page out of home security's marketing playbook, we might be able to grow the smart energy market and convince the home owner that energy efficiency is just as critical as their safety.

On a separate note, it sounds like an easy fit for the likes of ADT to take on smart home technology.

I like a news source that provides multiple perspectives.  It gives me confidence in the material.  I'll be reading more of Both of these articles lead up to my next discussion on paying attention to your industry.

I know the smart home is inevitable, even if the consumer uses it simply to keep up with technology.   No matter the reason, it can only end up benefiting us.



  1. [...] networks or partner with a third-party vendor.  As you may recall in a previous article, “How Smart is the Smart Energy Industry“, we talked about how carriers are moving toward smart energy management.   One thing to [...]


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