California Solar - Good For Any State

California solar companies have been frequently making headlines across the nation as Golden State companies kick off the New Year with announcements to expand into other states.  Mississippi has the pleasure of welcoming San Jose thin-film solar manufacturer Stion.  In an article from CNET News, Stion's gift of the state's first thin-film solar panel factory will bring 1,000 jobs to Mississippi.  In other news, W Solar Group Inc will be moving the whole house over to Dane County in Wisconsin.  Also a thin-film solar company, W Solar will be bringing approximately 620 jobs to Wisconsin.  Digging deeper in to some of the moves, it's obvious that incentives are a key element in the decision process.  Mississippi is giving Stion a $75mil loan in addition to incentives, while Wisconsin is offering W Solar an incentive that gives the company a $28mil Enterprise Zone Tax credit.

First side of the coin:

Of course, Californians are left to wonder why their solar companies are creating jobs elsewhere rather than in their own state, where unemployment is around 12%.  Over 1600 jobs could have provided some relief for Californians.  But business is business, even on the state level.  If other states can offer a better environment (incentives, loans, etc) for California-born companies, then the moves make perfect sense. (On a good note for California - If the handshake goes well, Sacramento should see German solar company Mounting Systems establish a presence that could bring 100 jobs.)

The other side of the coin:

We want to see businesses breakout.  Consider California an incubation state that will always be a hub of innovation and entrepreneurship.  You can count on the state to continue to create businesses that can help stimulate the industry.  Any growth in an industry should be welcomed, especially if the growth gives our country a chance to heal.



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